I was going over some old blog entries from when I was pregnant with my son. I came across a post where I was going through all of the Old Wives Tales for telling gender. For fun, I thought I’d repost some of the tests so you all can check them out for yourself and see what you come up with. Add any that you’ve heard of but aren’t on this list. Let the gender speculation begin!
A Question of Conception
What position were you in when you conceived? Some old wives tales state that if you were in missionary position, you conceived a girl. If you were on top or doggy style, you conceived a boy.Shettles Method: if you conceived before ovulation, you’re having a girl. If you conceived the day of or after ovulation, you’re having a boy.
What are You Craving?
If you crave salty or sour food, you’re having a boy. If you’re craving sweet foods, you’re having a girl.If you crave meats and cheeses, you’re having a boy. If you’re craving breads and fruits, you’re having a girl.
If you like eating bread loaf heels, you’re having a boy. If you don’t like eating bread loaf heels, you’re having a girl.
First Trimester Symptoms
If your first trimester pregnancy symptoms are mild, you’re having a girl. If your first trimester pregnancy symptoms are severe, you’re having a boy.If you’re feeling a lot of fatigue in the first trimester, you’re having a boy. If you’re feeling energetic in the first trimester, you’re having a girl!
If you have morning sickness in the morning, you’re having a girl. If you have morning sickness any time but morning, you’re having a boy.
If you’re looking better than you did before you were pregnant, you’re having a boy. If you look worse now than you did before you were pregnant, you’re having a girl.
If you have bad pregnancy acne, you’re having a girl. If your skin remains clear, you’re having a boy.
If you’re already experiencing breast swelling in the first trimester, you’re having a girl. If you’ve had no breast swelling in the first trimester, you’re having a boy.
If your urine is bright colored, you’re having a boy. If you’re urine is dull colored, you’re having a girl.
If the hair on your legs is growing faster, you’re having a boy. If the hair on your legs isn’t growing any faster, you’re having a girl.
If your feet are colder since you’ve gotten pregnant, you’re having a boy. If you don’t feel any difference, you’re having a girl.
If your husband is gaining weight during your pregnancy, you’re having a girl. If he’s not gaining weight, you’re having a boy.
If your sense of smell is already much stronger in the first trimester, you’re having a boy. If you’ve noticed no change in your sense of smell in the first trimester, you’re having a girl.
Been to the Doctor? Got that Ultrasound Handy?
Ramzi’s Method: look at baby’s first ultrasound. If the baby is on the right side of your uterus, it’s a boy. If it’s on the left side of your uterus, it’s a girl.If your baby’s heart rate is more than 140 beats per minute, you’re having a girl. If it’s less than 140 beats per minute, you’re having a boy.
Fun Games at Baby Showers
The Ring Test: hang your wedding ring on a length of string and dangle it over your belly. If the ring moves in circles, you’re having a boy. If the ring moves from side to side, you’re having a girl.Chinese Conception Gender Charts: add your age to the number representing the month of conception (1 for January, 2 for February, and so on). If the sum is an even number, you’re having a boy. If the sum is an odd number, you’re having a girl.
Third Trimester Symptoms
If you’re carrying high, you’re having a girl. If you’re carrying low, you’re having a boy.If you’re carrying towards the front, you’re having a boy. If you’re carrying more along one of the sides, you’re having a girl.
Are You Sure This Has Anything to do with Pregnancy?
When tucking your pillow under your head at night, if the ends point north and south, you’re having a girl. If the ends point east and west, you’re having a boy.Drano Method: I’m not republishing it because it causes toxic fumes. Crazy moms! Next you’ll be sitting on coffee grinds to kick off labor!
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